Wednesday 21 February 2018

Using GuardedString in OIM custom code.

It was observed in several cases, where we write custom java code for OIM (adapter, event handler, UI code , scheduler etc) with password as string value. If we store the password as java.lang.String, it is kept in memory as a clear text password and stays in memory at least until it is garbage collected. Code reviewer will always reject such code, if they find any password as java.lang.String.

GuardedString class can eliminate this problem by storing the password as characters in memory in an encrypted form. The encryption key will be a randomly-generated key. In their serialized form, Guarded String will be encrypted using a known default key. This is to provide a minimum level of protection regardless of the transport. For communications with the Remote Connector Framework it is recommended that deployments enable SSL for true encryption.

In this example I will explained how you can use Guarded String in OIM custom code.

GuardedString class is the member of package and can be found in framework-1.3.2.jar. That means in your java project you have to import framework-1.3.2.jar as a library.

Below code sample describe how to store string password in GuardedString.


String password = "abcd1234";
char[] passwordToChar = password.toCharArray();
GuardedString guardedPassword = new GuardedString(passwordToChar);

Below code sample describe how to get the password from GuardedString

          guardedPassword.access(new GuardedString.Accessor() {
                        public void access(char[] clearChars) {
                            System.out.println( "String password::::::::::::::::::::::::"+new String(clearChars)); //print the password.
            retrivePassword.dispose(); // dispose the GuardedString after use.

it is always better to dispose the GuardedString after authentication operation is done using dispose() method.

Friday 9 February 2018

Read OIM ITResource parameter using API

In this blog I am going to explain how to read the OIM IT Resource parameter using API. Here is the code sample you can use to fetch any available IT resource parameter in your java code.

public void getITResourceParameter(String ITResourceName) throws NumberFormatException, tcAPIException, Exception {

final String methodName = "::getITResourceParameter::";
System.out.println("start execution of CallStoredProcedureForDBAT::"+methodName);

Map phAttributeList = new HashMap();
phAttributeList.put("IT Resources.Name", ITResourceName);

HashMap paramMap = new HashMap();

tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf ITResourceAPI = (tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf)oimClientObj.getService(tcITResourceInstanceOperationsIntf.class);
tcResultSet itresSet = ITResourceAPI.findITResourceInstances(phAttributeList);
String ITResourceKey = itresSet.getStringValue("IT Resources.Key");
tcResultSet paramValuesRS = ITResourceAPI.getITResourceInstanceParameters(Long.parseLong(ITResourceKey));

for(int j=0;j<paramValuesRS.getTotalRowCount();j++){


paramMap.put(paramValuesRS.getStringValue("IT Resources Type Parameter.Name"), paramValuesRS.getStringValue("IT Resources Type Parameter Value.Value"));


adminName = (String) paramMap.get("principal"); // "principal" is the IT Resource attribute name
adminPassword = (String) paramMap.get("credentials"); // "credentials" is the IT Resource attribute name
ldapPort = (String) paramMap.get("port"); //"port" is the IT Resource attribute name
HostName = (String) paramMap.get("host"); //"host" is the IT Resource attribute name
searchBase = (String) paramMap.get("baseContexts"); //"baseContexts" is the IT Resource attribute name

System.out.println("adminName ::"+adminName);
System.out.println("adminPassword ::"+adminPassword);
System.out.println("HostName ::"+HostName);
System.out.println("ldapPort ::"+ldapPort);
System.out.println("searchBase ::"+searchBase);



OIM API for adding process task and retry failed task

 In this blog you can find how to add new process task and retry any failed/rejected tasks using API. Adding new process task: /************...