Friday 1 December 2017

Change SOA Human Task email header

I am writing this blog to show how Email subject header can be change for a SOA human task. I believe you have observed, that when human task is assigned to any approve, email message header contains "Action Required". If you need to change this to any other value, you cannot do it from composite level. By default all this header values are coming from bpm-services.jar file, which can be find from [SOA_HOME]/soa/modules/oracle.soa.workflow_11.1.1

If you want to change this default header value with some other, you have to make a custom bundle. Follow the below steps to create a custom bundle for email header modification:

1. Copy the bpm-services.jar from [SOA_HOME]/soa/modules/oracle.soa.workflow_11.1.1 to /tmp location
2. Unjar the contents and copy the "oracle\bpel\services\workflow\resource" directory to a seperate location.
3. Make sure that you are maintaining the same directory structure as mentioned above.
4. Under the "oracle\bpel\services\workflow\resource" directory, delete i18NUtil.class file.
5. Change the appropriate properties file according to your need and language supports.
6. For example I need to change the email subject header "Action Required" with "Need your Attention", so I will change the value of TASK_VIEW_CONTEXT_ASSIGNEE_ASSIGNED attribute in and
7. Once you are done with your changes, make a jar file of "oracle\bpel\services\workflow\resource" directory. in my case it is custombundle.jar
8. Copy the jar to any shared location.
9. Now you have to change the SOA MBean properties "WorkflowCustomClasspathURL" with the path of the bundle jar.
10. You cane do the change using two methods a) Using EM console UI, b) Using WLST command

Changing "WorkflowCustomClasspathURL" using EM console UI
1. Open EM console.
2. Expand SOA, and right click on soa-infra and select Administration->System MBean Browser.
3. Navigate to>Server:[SERVER_NAME]->WorkflowConfig->human-workflow.
4. Click on the human-workflow and change the value of WorkflowCustomClasspathURL with bundle jar filepath.
5. Once done click on Apply.
6. No restart required.

Changing "WorkflowCustomClasspathURL" using WLST command
1. Run [OIM_HOME]/common/bin/
2. Enter the WLST command as bellow:

 wls:/offline> connect('$WL_USER', '$WL_PASSWORD', '$SOA1_URL[t3://localhost:8001]')
 wls:/iam/serverConfig> custom()
 wls:/iam/custom> cd (',type=WorkflowConfig,Application=soa-infra')
 wls:/iam/custom/,type=WorkflowConfig,Application=soa-infra> set('WorkflowCustomClasspathURL','file://FILE_PATH//')
 wls:/iam/custom/,type=WorkflowConfig,Application=soa-infra> disconnect()
 wls:/offline> exit()

Now you can see the email header has been changed with your defined value.

Friday 17 November 2017

Using weblogic data source from deployed applications

In this blog I am going to show how weblogic datasource can be use to call execute SQL.
To use the weblogic internal datasource, the best option is to use it inside the deployed application.
Here in this example I have created an Web Service application which is deployed in weblogic admin server
and I used the datasource of OIM application which is implemented under oim server (port is 8005).

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.naming.Context;

public class WeblogicDS {
    public String userkey = "";

    public WeblogicDS() {
    public String connectDS(String applicationPort) {

        Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
        props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:" + applicationPort);
        Connection connection = null;
        javax.naming.Context ctx = null;
        javax.sql.DataSource dataSource = null;

        try {

            ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext(props);
            dataSource = (javax.sql.DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/ApplicationDBDS"); //JNDI name of the datasource
            connection = dataSource.getConnection();

            PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
            ResultSet appInstRS = null;

            String query = "select * from usr where usr_login='XELSYSADM'";
            pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
            System.out.println("Status:" + pstmt.execute());
            userkey = pstmt.getResultSet().getString("USR_KEY");

        } catch (Exception e1) {
        return userkey;


Here the webmethod connectDS is taking 1 input which is the application port is 8005.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Adding worklist URI of an Human Task Pragmatically using BPEL APIs

In this blog I am going to show how worklist URI can be set for an human task programitically using BPEL APIs. This code snipet can be used to automate the URI adding process after deploying the SOA composite.

Add the below jar files in your project classpath [WLHOME]/server/lib/weblogic.jar [SOAHOME]/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric11.1.1/bpm-infra.jar [SOAHOME]/soa/modules/oracle.soa.fabric11.1.1/fabric-runtime.jar [SOAHOME]/soa/modules/oracle.soa.workflow11.1.1/bpm-services.jar [WLHOME]/server/lib/wlfullclient.jar [OIMHOME]/server/ext/spml/wsclientextended.jar

here is the code snipet for adding worklist URI

import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class TestSOA {
    private String soaAdminUserName = "weblogic";
    private GuardedString soaAdminPassword = null;
    private String adminPassword = "Weblogic Password"; // put your weblogic password
    private String soaServerName = "SOA Server name"; //put your SOA server name e.g. soa_server1
    private String soaServerURL = "t3://SOA_HOST:8001"; //replace the value of SOA_HOST.
    Password weblogicPWD = null;
    IWorkflowContext wctx = null;
    ITaskQueryService qService = null;

     * This method will check the input request id has been approved by a human
     * @param reqId : OIM request id
     * @return : true/false
     * @throws Exception
    public void addWorkilistURI() throws Exception{
        boolean flag = false;
                Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestSOA.class.getName());
                 * Adding SOA server and its properties into the WorkflowServicesClientConfigurationType
                WorkflowServicesClientConfigurationType wssst = new WorkflowServicesClientConfigurationType();
                List servers = wssst.getServer();
                ServerType server = new ServerType();

                RemoteClientType rct = new RemoteClientType();
                soaAdminPassword = new GuardedString (adminPassword.toCharArray());
                soaAdminPassword.access(new Accessor() {
                    public void access(char[] clearChars) {
                        System.out.println( new String(clearChars));
                        weblogicPWD = new Password();
                        weblogicPWD.setValue(new String(clearChars));

                 * Creating remote enterprise java bean interface to invoke workflow 
                 * service located remotely from the client.
                 * After creating IWorkflowServiceClient object, get the Query Service.
                IWorkflowServiceClient wfsc = WorkflowServiceClientFactory.getWorkflowServiceClient(WorkflowServiceClientFactory.REMOTE_CLIENT,wssst,logger);
                qService = wfsc.getTaskQueryService();
                 soaAdminPassword.access(new Accessor() {
                     public void access(char[] clearChars) {
                        System.out.println( new String(clearChars));
                        try {
                            wctx = qService.authenticate(soaAdminUserName, clearChars, null);
                    } catch (WorkflowException we) {
                List taskDisplayInfoTypeList = wfsc.getRuntimeConfigService().getTaskDisplayInfoByTaskDefinitionId(wctx, TASK_ID, APPLICATION_NAME, FORM_NAME);

                if (taskDisplayInfoTypeList.size()==0){
        of = new;
                    TaskDisplayInfo taskInfoType = of.createTaskDisplayInfo();
                    taskInfoType.setHostname("HOSTNAME"); //enter your URI hostname
                    taskInfoType.setHttpPort("HTTP PORT"); //enter URI HHTP port
                    taskInfoType.setHttpsPort("HTTPS PORT");//enter URI HTTPS port
                    taskInfoType.setUri("URI VALUE"); //enter the URI value
                    wfsc.getRuntimeConfigService().setTaskDisplayInfo(wctx, HUMANTASK_NAME_SPACE, COMPOSITE_VERSION, PARTITION_NAME, taskDisplayInfoTypeList);
                 System.out.println("URI already added");
               return flag;

 public static void main(String[] args) {
       TestSOA a = new TestSOA();
       try {
       } catch (Exception e) {

Replace the below variable as per your requirement

TASK_ID: Human Task id, e.g. "default/DisconnectedProvisioning!1.0/ManualProvisioningTask"
APPLICATION_NAME: name of the application. Default is "worklist"
FORM_NAME: Default value is "default"
HUMANTASK_NAME_SPACE: Namespace of the human task, e.g. ""
COMPOSITE_VERSION: version of the composite, e.g. "1.0"
PARTITION_NAME: name of the partition where the composite is deployed, e.g. "default"

Note: Kindly ignore the line 122 in the code"".. some how it is appearing in the code block.

Sunday 1 October 2017

OIM 12c Installation (With Quick Start)

OIM 12c introduces quick installer package, where you don't need to install all the components (like Weblogic, SOA and OIM suite) separately. The package comes with everything including inbuilt RCU. Here are the steps for installing OIM 12c with quick start version:


1. Database must be installed (in my case I have installed Oracle DB
2. All the below required parameters of database are set.

          open_cursors with value 800 and more
          processes with 800 and more
          XA transaction recovery views/synonyms are installed

3. All the required OS and Kernel parameters are set (for Linux)
visit below URLs for more details..

Installation steps

1. Installing Binaries

a. Install JDK (version jdk-8u144-linux-x64)
b. Set the JAVA_HOME and PATH with jdk directory.
c. Download and unzip the and This will unzip 2 jar files.

d. run the first jar file as below
     [JAVA_HOME]/bin/java -jar fmw_12.

e. A Graphical interface will open.

f. Click on Next
g. Skip the software update and click Next

h. Provide the Oracle Home directory location and click Next. Next page will check for the pre-requisite settings. If all pre-requisites are cleared, then click on Next. Otherwise cancel the installation and perform the failed pre-requisite configuration. For development setup you can skip the pre-requite step.

i. Click on Install.
j. Installation will take few minutes. Once the installation is done, click on Next
k. Installation completion page will appear. Click finish to close the wizard.
l. Purpose of this installation is to create the oracle home directory with necessary components for OIM. Now if you go the provided oracle home directory, you can find all the required components are created as below

2. Creating database Schema using RCU

OIM 12c does not have a separate RCU. RCU packages are included in the quickstart binaries. Follow the below procedure to run RCU.

a. Go to [ORACLE_HOME]/oracle_common/bin and run the ./rcu

b. RCU Welcome wizard will be opened.

c. Click on Next

d. If you have DBA privilege, then select the "System load and Product load". If you do not have the DBA access then select the "Prepare Script for System load". This option will generate a script at end of the RCU execution that you can provide to DBA team. Once DBA team perform the script execution, you have to run the RCU again and choose the "Perform Product Load" and continue.

** In this scenario I am running with the "System Load and Product Load".

e. Provide the necessary details of you database and click Next.

f. This will check the parameters of the database. once the checking is done click on OK.

g. In this section Create a new prefix name (like DEV) and select the only the "Oracle Identity Manager". Other dependent components will be automatically selected. Once done click on Next.

h. Now ECU will check all the pre-requisite for selected schemas. Once the checking is done click on OK.

I. Now provide the schema password. This will the password for all the newly created schemas. Either you can choose one single password for all the schemas or you can choose different password for each schema. Here I choose single password. After entering password click Next.

j. Here in this page you can select the size of the SOA schema (small, medium, large) and SOA health care integration option (yes, no). This is a new feature of 12c. Once the selection is done click on Next

k. Check all the new table-space and TEMP table-space name that will be created in the next step. Once done click on Next to create table spaces.

l. Table Spaces are now created. Once done click on OK.

m. Now click on Create to create schemas.

n. Once all the schemas creation are done, it will show the completion message with individual schema creation log files. Click Close to close the wizard.

o. Verify all the schema by connecting them from sql-developer.

3. IAM domain creation

a. Go to [ORACLE_HOME]/oracle_common/common/bin and run ./ This will open the domain configuration wizard.

b. Select "Create a new domain" and click on Next.

c. Select only "Oracle Identity Manager [idm]". All other supporting components will be selected automatically. Once done click on Next.

 d. If you need to store JTA transaction logs and JMS persistence data into database then select JDBC for both the JTA and JMS. here I choose the file system instead of database. Once done click on Next.

e. Select the domain application directory and click Next.

f. Provide weblogic password and click Next.

g. Select the domain mode (Development, Production) and JDK. By default installer will take the JAVA_HOME value but you still can change it to different one. Once done click on Next.

h. In this window, you do not need to put any value. Just click on the "Get RCU Configuration", and installer will automatically take the RCU created schemas and their configurations. Once you click on that button, you will see something like below:

I. Verify all and click on Next.

J. In this window system will check all the schemas by connecting them one by one. Once the testing is done click on Next.

k. In OIM 12c, all the OIM configuration will be done in this step, so you have to provide OIM details as well.

      For the keystore provide username "keystore" and a new password.
      For OIMSchemaPassword put username as OIM schema name and enter its password.
      For sysadmin provide "xelsysadm" as username and give a new password.
      For WeblogicAdminKey provide "weblogic" as username and enter its password.

Once done click on Next.

l. In this window you can add your own certificates. If you want configure it later then simply click on Next.

m. Here you can click on each item and configure as per your requirement. Or if you want go with all  default settings then simple click on Next.

n. Now click on Create. This will create your domain.

o. Once the domain creation is done, click on Next.

p. At the end of configuration window, you will get the url of the weblogic console. Click one finish to close the wizard.

q. After creation of domain, you can find the domain directory has been created.

4. Performing Post-Configuration Tasks

a. Set the DOMAIN_HOME and JAVA_HOME variable.
b. go to [ORACLE_HOME]/idm/server/bin
c. Give execute permission to file (chmod 755
d. Run the file.

e. Once the execution is done, you will get some success message like below:

5. Starting Server

 Now start all the servers as per below sequence:

      1. Nodemanager
      2. WebLogic Server
      3. SOA Server (Run after WebLogic is RUNNING)
      4. OIM Server (run after SOA is RUNNING)

6. Integrating OIG with SOA suite

a. Open EM console (http://hostname:7001/em)
b. Login using weblogic credential.

c. Click on WebLogic Domain and select System MBean Browser.

d. Now in the find properties, enter "OIMSOAIntegrationMBean" and search

e. Once found, select the same and then select "integrateWithSOAServer".

f. Enter all the required details and click on Invoke.

g. Once the invoke is successful, it will show you the below message.

h. This change does not require any server restart.

************** OIM Installation is now done***********************************

Now open identity console http://hostname:14000/identity and check the release version

Friday 29 September 2017

Oracle Identity Manager 12c (New Features)

Oracle Identity Governance 12c has already been released. Similar to the last release it contains OIM with Identity Audit features and OPAM (Oracle Privilege Account Manager). There are some new features introduced in Identity manager part, and in this blog I will be highlighting some of them. From UI point of view, there is not major changes. End user experience will be same for access request catalog and approval/ certification.

New Configuration Features

1. OIG 12c infrastructure requires below components.
  • WebLogic
  • SOA
  • OIG
  • Oracle database (, any 12c)
2. Now RCU (Repository Creation Utility) is in-built and can be run from oracle_common/bin.
3. If you do not have DBA privilege, then you can create a script for DBA to run. Once DBA completed running the RCU generated scripts, you can run the post process configuration. This is very helpful where Database is managed by different administrative team.

4. OIM 12c finally support encryption of database. During creation of OIM users in database, RCU can encrypt database table-space. TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) option must be enabled in Oracle 12c database. TDE allow application to encrypt the table-space using secret key. Data is transparently decrypted for database users and applications that access this data. Database users and applications do not need to be aware that the data they are accessing is stored in encrypted form.

If the TDE is enabled in Oracle 12c database, RCU will automatically provide you an option to make OIM table-space encrypted.

Functional Features

1. OIM 12c introduces custom reviewer option in certification. It is applicable for Identity certification. Custom reviewer for certifications can be specified by defining certification rules in the CERT_CUSTOM_ACCESS_REVIEWERS table.

The benefit of this feature is, can now assign certification request based on a rule defined for custom reviewer.

for example
All the user who are having VISDU1 application and "EntTestDB~CN=VISD,DC=abc,DC=com" entitlement, the certifier should be "John Clark"


For all the other user who are having application VISDU1 but not having "EntTestDB~CN=VISD,DC=abc,DC=com" entitlement, the certifier will be the users manager.

Define the rule on CERT_CUSTOM_ACCESS_REVIEWERS table with a map name. Assign the map name in certification definition

  2. OIM 12c now supports group of certifiers for Application Instance, Entitlement, Role and User certification. Till OIM 11gR2 PS3, single certifier was supported in the certification workflow.

**Group certifier assignments are not supported with CertificationProcess composite. from the configuration page CertificationOverseerProcess composite needs to be selected.

3. OIM 12c can Limit the entitlement-assignments, Role-assignment and Application-assignment to certify for each user option for creating a user certification definition. For example, while identity certification assigned to reviewer, only the selected roles, selected entitlements and selected Application instances will be visible for certification. In this way we can remove the birth rights for being certified.

  4. The Certification Dashboard enables sorting and listing the certifications by the percentage completion of the certifications

5. Another new feature of OIM 12c is Inheriting the access granted via access policies from the parent role to child role. This feature is enabled by setting XL.AllowRoleHierarchicalPolicyEval system property to TRUE. For example

a) Role1 contains Policy1 which contains account A1 and entitlement E1
b) Role2 contains Policy2 which contains account A1 and entitlement E2.

c) Now Role1 is parent role of Role 2.

If XL.AllowRoleHierarchicalPolicyEval is set to TRUE, then when you grant Role2 to User1, User1 will get account A1 and entitlements E1 and E2.

If XL.AllowRoleHierarchicalPolicyEval is set to FALSE, then when you grant Role2 to User 1, User1 will get account A1 and Entitlement E2 (which are part of Role2).

6. Access Policy can be created and managed from the Manage tab in Identity Self Service.

7. OIM 12c is now having Application Onboarding capability through GUI. It will allow you to create and manage applications, templates, and instances of applications, and clone applications. This will faster the on-boarding process of applications into OIM.

8. New interface for deployment manager for import and export any new development or migration.

  9. OIM 12c provides Real-Time Certification Purge Job capability, where old certification data can be continuously purged using this feature based on the options or choices made during configuration

10. in OIM 12c, now you can define your new connectors from all the available components. Below picture depicts the wizard, which allow you to choose components and create your new connector inside OIM.

   11. OIM 12c SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) service is now secured with custom OWSM (Oracle Web Service manager) policy. There are 2 OOTB policies oracle/multi_token_rest_service_policy and oracle/no_authentication_service_policy which enforce one of the following authentication polices when a token is sent by the client or allows anonymous when no token is supplied
  • HTTP Basic
  • SAML 2.0 Bearer token in HTTP header
  • HTTP OAM security
  • SPNEGO over HTTP security
  • JWT token in HTTP header

12. OIM 12c offering JSON Web Token (JWT) service to simplify the use of Oracle Identity Governance SCIM-REST service.

The JWT produced by the OIG token service, contains a subject claim for an OIM user that is signed by the Oracle Identity Governance server. This claim can be presented for authentication to the OWSM agent that protects the SCIM and REST API.

13. Multiple sandboxes can be published in bulk and in a specified sequence using CSV file.

I will be describing in details each of the new features with live example in my next post.


OIM API for adding process task and retry failed task

 In this blog you can find how to add new process task and retry any failed/rejected tasks using API. Adding new process task: /************...